5. SNA LU 6.2 API, APPC, and APPN 5.1 Description SNA LU 6.2 API allows customers to write programs that communicate with LU 6.2 programs on mainframes and AS/400s. LU 6.2 API is also called Advanced Program-to-Program Communications, or APPC. Unlike 3270 HLLAPI or 3270 API, LU 6.2 does not emulate a terminal. As of July 1991, HP's LU 6.2 and SNALink products will support PU 2.1 allowing Peer-to-Peer communications with AS/400s and mainframes. HP's PU 2.1 emulates a "LEN-node" in IBM's Advanced Peer-to-Peer Net- working (APPN) scheme. HP provides SNA LU 6.2 on HP 9000 Series 300, 400, 700, and 800. The Series 700 is supported in the Gateway configuration only. A Series 300, 400, or 800 system with Gateway SNALink is required. Native SNA communications for the Series 700 is planned for mid-1992. Please contact IND Product Marketing or the Sales Response Center for details. SSI provides LU 6.2 on the Series 300 with RTI card and SASsbx module. Sell SSI's LU 6.2 only when your customer must run both LU 6.2 and SSI's 3270 HLLAPI. Please contact IND Product Marketing before ord- ering LU 6.2 from SSI. 5.2 How to Order HP's LU 6.2 5.2.1 For Series 300 and 400 Systems Product # Description 98162A HP-UX LU 6.2 API Also order one of the following. 36592A HP-UX SNALink 36593A HP-UX Gateway/SNALink 98174A HP-UX Gateway/SNALink (Series 800 Gateway) 5.2.2 For Series 800 Systems Product # Description 98164A HP-UX LU 6.2 API Also order one of the following. 98173A HP-UX SNALink 98174A HP-UX Gateway/SNALink 36593A HP-UX Gateway/SNALink (Series 300 Gateway) 5.2.3 For Series 700 Systems Product # Description J2142A HP-UX LU 6.2 API You must also have a Series 300, 400, or 800 system running Gateway SNALink. These systems must be connected with LANLink. 5.2.4 Support HP's standard support policies apply to the above HP products.